4 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be a hard time for many people to maintain their healthy lifestyle habits, but we are happy to report that there are ways to have a healthier Thanksgiving day while still enjoying the big meal! Below are 4 tips for a healthier Thanksgiving: 1. Start your day with breakfast! It may seem counterintuitive, and many people may argue that they want to save their calories for the big meal, however by starting your day…

Weight Management During the Holidays

It is no secret that the holidays are filled with delicious food, fun parties, and altered schedules, all of which can make maintaining your weight difficult. Many New Year’s resolutions include beginning a healthier lifestyle, getting in shape or losing weight. If you know that these things will be included in your resolutions for 2018, why wait? Why not get a jump start on a healthier and happier you? Here are some tips for finishing…

Healthy Holiday Travel

The holidays typically equate for a lot of travel for most people, and we know that travel can be stressful and lead to a lapse in your normal health and routines. We are happy to say that below you will find some ideas to help you have healthy holiday travel: Rest – Do your best to get a full night’s sleep before your travel day! This is especially important if you are driving, it will…

Managing Food Allergies During the Holidays

The holiday season is full of parties and gatherings, including potlucks and catered dinners, all of which can be stressful environments for individuals with food allergies. There are a few things that you can doto help navigate the holiday festivities: Maintain Open Communication – Having open communication with the hosts of the party you are attending will help them to help you avoid any run ins with food you cannot eat. Let them know when…

Cold and Flu Prevention

Cold and Flu Prevention We know it is warm and it does not feel like cold and flu season, but we are in cold and flu season. In this article, we wanted to help you distinguish between the common cold and the flu and how to prevent transmission. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “The flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. Because these two…