Cold and Flu Prevention
Cold and Flu Prevention We know it is warm and it does not feel like cold and flu season, but we are in cold and flu season. In this article, we wanted to help you distinguish between the common cold and the flu and how to prevent transmission. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, […]
Trick or Treat Safely this Halloween
October means pumpkins (and yes, pumpkin spice), changing leaves and Halloween. As you plan your costume, map out your route, and RSVP for your Halloween parties, here are some tips for trick or treat safety. Healthy Halloween tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For Kids & Adults Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in […]
Get Your Flu Shot
We know we have said it before, but if you can, get your flu shot. Here is a short list of reasons for getting the flu shot: You can pass the flu even if you are not showing symptoms. From Some people cannot get the vaccination (children who are too young, people with certain […]