Baby It’s Cold Outside

It is no secret that the winter months bring colder temperatures. Here at UNI Urgent Care, we want to help you prepare for a safe, warm, and healthy winter season! Because baby it’s cold outside.  Below are some tips we have compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to assist you during these cold months:   Dress for the Outdoors Wear appropriate outdoor clothing: Base layer – usually consists of quick dry material…

Adenovirus: The Not So Common Cold

When is the common cold virus not so common? The common cold is caused by Adenovirus. Adenoviruses cause a range of mild to severe illness depending on the virus type. Illnesses include; *Bronchitis *Sore throat *Pneumonia *Diarrhea *Pink eye, bladder and GI infections as well as fever and runny nose. These symptoms can last up to 10 days. Adenovirus infection can spread from person to person through the air (sneezing/coughing) and by personal contact. It…

Get Your Flu Shot at U.N.I.

According to the Center of Disease Control, every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect people differently, but millions of people get the flu every year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized and thousands or tens of thousands of people die from flu-related causes every year. If that isn’t reason enough to get a flu shot here are some more: You can pass the flu even if you are not showing symptoms.…

Food and Allergies During the Holidays

November and December are full of parties and gatherings, including Thanksgiving potlucks and catered holiday dinners, all of which can be stressful environments for individuals with food allergies. There are a few things that you can do to help navigate the holiday festivities: Maintain Open Communication – Having open communication with the hosts of the party you are attending will help them to help you avoid any run ins with food you cannot eat. Let…