New Years Resolutions; the western tradition in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. Although goal setting can be a positive force for change, this tradition usually ends in failure (statistics show only 8% of people actually succeed*). While a number of people abandon their new year resolutions because of setting unachievable goals or impossible timelines; we think it’s important to discuss how to set HEALTHY new years resolutions.

First and foremost resolutions should be specific and attainable. As easy as it is to get excited about the idea of what achieving a life-changing goal could do for you, it is okay, and realistic, to start small. If your goal involves weight management, maybe start with only having dessert with one meal a week! Not trying to completely cut out sugar all together. If it comes to forming a fitness regimen, start with 1-2 classes a week. Not every day of the week. Be careful not to set vague goals too. There is no way to actual measure and achieve the goal of ‘wanting to lose weight,’ But changing it to specifics like ‘I want to be a pant size smaller,’ makes a goal specific and gives you a physical measurement to help keep you accountable.

Speaking of accountability, find a friend, family member or doctor to help keep you on track with your 2019 goals. There is power in numbers and a support system will help provide you with support, motivation and praise! Plus working with others is always more enjoyable. If getting into shape is on your list, having a friend to attend workout classes with, meal plan with and cook with can transform your goal achieving process.

Lastly, we believe that forming healthy goals means defining the ‘why’ and what this means for your long-term (lifelong) goals. This side of goal-setting is a bit more mental but will help to give you and your goals clarity, a purpose and will provide you with more drive. If your ‘why’ is long-term and aimed at a life full of vitality, you will succeed! Take some time to really think about these goals; journal about them, talk them through with someone. And most importantly forgive yourself if hiccups come along! You are human and life happens, but also realize that goals and the process of reaching them, can be one of the most satisfying triumphs in life!

Don’t be scared to set healthy New Years Resolutions, just make sure they are healthy ones! And remember you are not alone. If you would like to speak with someone about your health goals or if you want to start 2019 with an annual physical please visit any of our six UNI locations. No appointment needed, walk-in, get evaluated, and begin your journey to a happier and healthier you, not just this year, but for a lifetime!

This information is not a substitute for medical advice nor is it intended as such. If you have questions about your health please contact our office, or 911 in case of an emergency.

*Statistic- Forbes