Nails Tell The Health Story

Did you know that your nails can reveal clues about your overall health? A variation, change or discoloration in and around the nail bed could be a sign of disease or disorder in the body. Problems in the liver, lungs, and heart, as well as inflammation and dehydration, can potentially show up in your nails. Although many nail abnormalities are harmless, often times changes in nails may accompany other conditions. There are many small indicators…

Travel Immunizations

Spring is right around the corner and for many of us, that means spring break trips. No plans for Spring Break? It isn’t too early to plan for summer travels as well. Vaccines protect travelers from getting diseases abroad that may not normally be found in the United States. Getting vaccinated against certain diseases is one of the most effective things you can do to protect your health while traveling overseas. Make sure to plan…

Black History Month and Matters of the Heart

U.N.I is a resource for all community members who want to get healthy and take care of their bodies. We are commemorating Black History Month AND the season of love by discussing matters of the heart that are relevant to this community. African Americans ages 18-49 are 2 times as likely to die from heart disease than whites. And African Americans ages 35-64 years are 50% more likely to have high blood pressure than whites!*…

Pneumonia; Signs, Symptoms & Prevention

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can cause mild to severe illness in people. U.N.I. has C-ray on site and can diagnose and treat pneumonia. Although vaccines can prevent some types of pneumonias, it is still the leading infectious cause of death in children younger than 5 years old worldwide.* Common signs of pneumonia to watch for include cough, fever, and difficulty breathing. You can prevent pneumonia and most respiratory infections by following…

Healthy New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions; the western tradition in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. Although goal setting can be a positive force for change, this tradition usually ends in failure (statistics show only 8% of people actually succeed*). While a number of people abandon their new year resolutions because of setting unachievable goals or impossible timelines; we think it’s important to discuss how to set…