To Our Patients and Community,

We are committed to providing medical care to our communities and our patients during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Our top priority is to provide the highest level of care while focusing on your safety. We have taken extra steps to proactively address the current situation and help keep you, your family and our staff safe.

  1. All surfaces at U.N.I. URGENT CARE are cleaned and disinfected thoroughly between patient visits. Our entire clinic is cleaned and disinfected throughout the day, this includes waiting areas, high traffic areas, and door handles.
  2. We maintain the 6-foot distancing rule in our clinics for patients in waiting areas.
  3. All patients are to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer/wipes upon entering our facilities.
  4. Our staff has been provided and instructed on the use of PPE including gowns, gloves, N95 masks, and face shields while providing care to our patients.
  5. We have separate areas designated for patients with respiratory symptoms versus other sick visits
  6. We will provide rapid screening and masks for anyone with a fever or cough. These patients are not placed in our waiting areas near other patients.
  7. Any U.N.I. staff exhibiting signs of illness similar to upper respiratory infections or flu-like symptoms, (fever, cough or shortness of breath) will stay home.
  8. We are now offering Telemedicine as an option for certain visits, please call us to schedule an appointment.
  9. You can also make an appointment online through ZipPass on our website,
  10. We continue to monitor the CDC and World Health Organization daily to ensure our prevention measures up to date.

Jocelyn Swanson-Apollon, M.D., MPH