While fall can mean back to work and back to school for many people, it is also the start of fall travel season and the need for travel immunizations. Perhaps you are heading to Paris to take in the fall colors. Or, maybe you are planning a tropical vacation after monsoon season ends.work and school physicals

Now is the time to double check what immunizations you need to secure before vacationing. Start by visiting travel information sites like https://www.vaccines.gov/travel/index.html or https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel to learn the recommended vaccinations and immunizations for your destination. Next, consult your physician about your current medical conditions and if you might need to take any additional precautionary measures.

Some immunizations might require more than one dose or treatment, so make your you plan ahead so that you are fully immunized before your flight takes off.

Travel is a fun, relaxing adventure. Being prepared helps ensure you are able to enjoy your vacation to fullest by staying healthy and active.

Visit any of our UNI Urgent Care locations to learn more and get your vaccinations and immunizations