Annual Wellness Exams

Annual wellness exams are one of the many ways that you can maintain your health. These yearly check-ups help identify issues before they even start. Also, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these annual wellness exams “also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better. By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances for living a…

Do you need an X-ray? We can help!

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration, 7 out of 10 Americans get an x-ray each year. While some of those people are receiving dental x-rays, many are part of the 6.8 million Americans who break a bone each year. Breaking bones is no fun at all, but t if you find yourself in this situation, UNI Urgent Care is here to help! All of our UNI locations are equipped for on-site x-rays,…