Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a viral infection that is most common in infants and children younger than 5 years old. It also can sometimes occur in older children and even adults. Symptoms of HFMD include fever, a rash on the hands and feet and sores in the mouth. While HFMD is incredibly contagious, it is relatively mild and typically caused by a coxsackie virus. Hand, foot and…

Mono Awareness

With school back in session, we are starting to see more cases of mono at UNI Urgent Care.  Infectious mononucleosis (mono) is often called the kissing disease. The virus that causes mono is transmitted through saliva, so you can get it through kissing, but you can also be exposed through a cough or sneeze, or by sharing a glass or food utensils with someone who has mono. However, mononucleosis isn’t as contagious as some infections,…

Back to School Wellness Day

Join us for our Annual Back to School Wellness Day on September 22nd at all six of our locations! This all day event will begin at 9am and will feature wellness tips, food and giveaways! The first 25 people to get their flu shot will receive a free gift! We hope to see you there!

Information about Broken Bones and Fractures from UNI

Summertime is for playing and recreating, and unfortunately, sometimes those things can go wrong.  If you suspect someone has fractured one of their bones, follow the following steps to treat them most effectively and prevent any additional damage.   Be sure to dial 911 if: The person is unresponsive, isn’t breathing or isn’t moving. Begin CPR if there’s no breathing or heartbeat. There is heavy bleeding. Even gentle pressure or movement causes pain. The limb…

Sports Physicals Available at UNI

Back-to-school is right around the corner, and some fall sports start even sooner!  At UNI we can take care of your child’s sports physical so they can get back on the practice field ASAP! What Is a Sports Physical? In the sports medicine field, the sports physical exam is known as a preparticipation physical examination (PPE). The exam helps determine whether it’s safe for you to participate in a certain sport. Most states actually require…