
                With ‘Back to School’ on everyone’s mind, don’t forget to make sure child’s immunizations are up-to-date. To attend public schools in the state of Maryland, your child must be current on their immunizations. Often times parents do not know what these immunizations acronyms means. – DTap/DTP/Tdap/Dt/Td is an abbreviation for Tetanus(lockjaw), Pertussis (whooping cough), Diphtheria (respiratory disease). – IPV is the Polio vaccine. – MMR = Measles,…

Time for Physicals

Can you believe it is already August? Where did the summer go? As you plan your final summer getaways remember that U.N.I Urgrent Care has SIX locations to get you ready for back to school and back to work. Whether you are starting a new job, heading off to college, or getting the kids ready for fall sports, U.N.I has you covered…it’s the time for physicals. Various fields of work require physicals to ensure you…

Tick Bites

Maryland is tick country. If you are outside in grass areas it is good to know how to avoid ticks and what you should do if you find yourself with a tick bite. Are ticks dangerous? Ticks are not poisonous, however, their bites can cause allergic reactions and they may care a variety of blood born diseases. How to check for ticks? Ticks like warm, moist, dark areas of the body. They can often be…

Avoiding Sunburn

Everyone loves a good tan! That’s what summer seems to be about, isn’t it? However, avoiding overexposure to the sun is critical for preventing bad tans and sunburn. Why is this important? Overexposure (and that does not mean a burn) can lead to skin cancer.  Spending too much time in the sun is not healthy for your skin cells. #1 Wear lightweight long-sleeve shirts and pants. What’s the best way to protect yourself from the…

Beach Safety

Heading to the Beach? Let’s do it right! Here are some tips on how to be safe at the beach! #1 Bring plenty of sunscreen and lightweight clothing to protect you from the sun! You will need to have ways to escape the sun so be sure to bring ways to cover up. Be sure to apply plenty of sunscreen as well to keep your skin looking youthful. Tents, tarps, sunshades . . . make…