Choosing Sunscreen

The days are getting longer and there is more time for fun in the sun.  This means you are also at a higher risk of sunburn. Sunburn is uncomfortable and irritating, but in the long term it can be very dangerous: skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). Applying sunscreen is an important part of avoiding sunburn and skin cancer. There…

Burn Treatment

With Memorial Day come and gone, summer is truly upon us.  This means the time for grilling, barbeques and campfires is here.  In case any of these activities go wrong, we’re going to go over the different types of burns, how to treat yourself, and how to determine if you should seek treatment from a UNI professional. First-degree burns A first-degree burn damages only the top layer of skin.  These are the burns that can…

General Wellness

UNI Urgent Care is not just for illnesses and injuries, we offer health care screenings and general wellness programs. Your health is your most valuable asset. Annual check-ups help keep you on track and catch minor issues before those issues become major health problems. Don’t wait until you need a physical for your job, you can visit UNI to monitor blood pressure, and perform routine blood and lab work. We also help you on your…

Scrapes and Scratches

                      UNI Urgent Care can help treat bumps, cuts, scrapes and scratches. We understand that many minor cuts and scrapes can be treated a home. We are going to give you some tips to help determine when you might want to seek medical treatment. According to Seattle Children’s Hospital: Types of Skin Injury Cuts, lacerations, gashes and tears. These are wounds that go through the skin…

Sprains, Strains, and Fractures

Warm weather means strolls in the park, jogs around the neighborhood, and bike rides around town. Warmer weather can also mean injuries. We wanted share tips on staying active and healthy as we head through spring and into summer. What is the difference between a sprain, a strain, and a fracture? According to the Mayo Clinic, “A sprain occurs when you overextend or tear a ligament while severely stressing a joint.” A strain, “there are…