Regular tobacco use can lead to nicotine dependence and long term health problems. Quitting smoking greatly reduces the risk of developing lung cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction. While quitting smoking seems like a daunting task and sometimes impossible, it is achievable. There are more former smokers today than current ones according to the CDC. In order to ensure the best chance possible to kick nicotine, UNI clinics are here to help. 

Research has shown that even a ten-minute discussion with a doctor about the risks of smoking and how best to quit can significantly improve a smoker’s chance of stopping. UNI physicians can also help form a carefully considered treatment plan with over the counter or prescription aids to help. Anybody who has stopped smoking cold turkey knows that headaches, insomnia, and irritability are difficult for even the toughest person to deal with. UNI physicians, however, can help support and oversee your health in order to get you past the initial withdrawal symptoms. 

Many people focus on the addictive quality of nicotine but it isn’t the only chemical present in modern tobacco. In fact, tobacco smoke typically contains more than 7,000 chemicals. According to the CDC, hundreds of those are proven to be harmful and at least 70 cause cancer. Many older smokers typically make the argument that they’re long past an age when they should quit. You are never too old to quit. Risk for numerous diseases decrease weeks after stopping smoking. The longer you abstain, the better your health improves, which is important for older people who may be facing other unrelated health problems that could be exacerbated. 

Smokers are frequently less concerned about their negative habit than their family members and friends. If you would like to reach out to somebody close to you about their health, it’s important not to pass judgement. Poorly expressed worry can frequently lead to unintended consequences and damage to personal relationships. UNI physicians are able to provide advice and best practices to approach discussions about dependence with loved ones.
